Sarah Loucks is an Austin, TX based playwright and theater maker currently pursuing an MFA in playwriting at the University of Arkansas.
Most recently, she produced a performance festival dedicated to Dolly Parton called DOLLY FEST 2019 in Austin, TX. Sarah is a recipient of the Artist 360 award from the Mid-America Arts Alliance and a winner of the Three New American Plays award from Forward Flux Productions. She is a funding recipient from the City of Austin Cultural Arts Department. She formerly produced her plays under the name MouthRadio in theaters, parking lots, and DIY spaces around Austin. Her plays have also been developed with TheaterSquared (AR), TheatreMidwest (IA), and with Stonehenge (NYC).
Sarah studied Grotowski technique with Double Edge Theatre (MA), and was a participant in the Rhodopi International Theatre Lab in Smolyan, Bulgaria. She often writes about class, labor, and American entropy. B.A., Bard College, theatre and literature.